The Floating Series (2017- ongoing), pigment print on Baryté, 60cm x 45cm
The Floating Series takes its departure in photographs taken in the Parisian neighbourhood of Stalingrad, which in 2016 saw thousands migrants living in the street. For months Nikolaj Larsen went to this area to speak with people living there and to document the desperate situation. He took a series of photographs of people who were completely covered with blankets, and imagined that the moments where migrants are able to sleep were the only parts of their daily routine where they could ease their exhausted minds and bodies and metaphorically float away from their hopeless situation. Each covered person is removed from their context in the street of Paris and placed to levitate in a void. The blankets are often adorned with patterns, words or symbols that contribute their own narratives to the images and perhaps to the people behind the covers.
The Floating Series was part of the Tunisian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2017.